Creating a Career & Skills Development Map: how to give people the freedom and support to develop and progress – Lucy Marr. Summer Conference 2024.

Lucy Marr, Library Learning and Development Lead, University of Southampton.


To ensure a reliable and well trained specialist librarians for the future, we need to provide clear ways for people to develop. Previously, we have relied upon people stumbling across specialist roles, which can be a mystery even to colleagues within our own organisations.  To attract and grow talent, it is not enough to rely on statements from leaders about supporting development. A commitment to development needs to be demonstrated with action.

In this interactive presentation, I will share the Career and Skills Development map that I introduced at the University of Southampton Library. The aim of the map is to open development opportunities by providing: transparent information about job roles and associated development; practical resources to support people to gain experience and skills, and embedded development processes. Together with a flexible mindset, these can create tailor made pathways to development. During the session we will explore these affordances of the map, to inspire you to implement some of its elements in your own organisation.

Without this kind of support, we risk a talent crisis. Succession planning for specialist library roles is the only way to ensure we move from a potential talent drought to a talent pipeline for future.


Lucy Marr is the Library Learning and Development Lead at the University of Southampton. As a learning and development professional, she has extensive experience of how learning links to career progression in different occupations. After a year and a half of working in the Library, she is still discovering the diversity of Library roles. A true believer in life-long learning, Lucy helps people shift their mindset, and develop the behaviours and skills they need to adapt and be successful.

Summer Conference 2024: Learn Long and Prosper

UHMLG’s 2024 Summer Conference brings together a range of fantastic speakers to look at the future of health librarianship. The conference is taking place in person at the University of Lancaster and spans two half days (4-5 July, 2024). Our core audience is UK / Republic of Ireland health and medical librarians from the Higher Education and NHS / health sectors, but we welcome delegates from any area of librarianship, and from anywhere in the world.

More information / Book your place

For full information about the conference, and to book your place, please visit our Summer Conference 2024 page.