2021 Spring Forum: Alison McKay
The 2021 UHMLG Spring Forum: Build Back Better – A Peri-COVID Response will be held online on Friday 26 March. You can book your free ticket now.
Shut Up and Reflect!
Close your emails and join us for some camera-off, mic-off, protected thinking time. This session is a dedicated moment for you to reflect on all you’ve seen and heard today and start to make connections with your own context.
After setting the scene and providing some inspiration in the form of reflective models and guiding questions for you to consider, we will Shut up and reflect for 30 minutes.
This session is inspired by shutupwrite.com and writing retreats.
Alison McKay works at UWE Bristol as Library Academic Support Coordinator aligned to the Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences. She works with staff and students to develop student academic literacy through interactive workshops and the creation of self-study resources. She has hosted regular Shut up and reflect! sessions for UWE Bristol librarians to reflect on their teaching and she is passionate about the value of carving out thinking time and the positive impact this has on practice.