Spring Forum 2019 – #UHMLG19 – all the slides
We were delighted to have such a great line up for our “Literacy in all its forms – digital, academic, information, health, and more” Spring Forum, in the wonderful venue of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Improving literacy has always been at the core of a librarians role, but the definition of literacy is evolving all the time, not least with the new definition of Information Literacy released by CILIP in 2018. This spring forum is about all things literacy – information, health, digital and more.
Our speakers did us proud.
Speakers and titles
- Ruth Carlyle
Health literacy: life support from library and knowledge specialists
- Dawn Grundy and Graeme Prescott
LEAP Online: the development of a healthy relationship.
- Lisa Jeskins
The IL Definition: what CILIP and the Information Literacy Group did next…
- Helen Webster
Academic Literacy: A Contested Concept
- Hannah Bond, Peer Assisted Learning Administrator, University of West of England
Peer to Peer Support: How Academic Wellbeing is supported at UWE Bristol.
- Cheryl Morgan, The Diversity Trust
Transgender Literacy
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